Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Do you think you could be friends with Lenny?


  1. I probily couldn't because my mom wouldn't like me being friends witha boy that looked dirty. Also if he is known for stealing things. But I might call the police on his mother for child abuse. Then maybe Lenny coild live at my house.

  2. I'm back!

    I agree with Crazy B.

    ....I just noticed that that ryhmes.

  3. I don't know if I could because he is dirty but he also is kind of a nice guy. I wouldn't like to go to his house though because his mother is mean and kind of scary! I don't know if i would like him to come over to my house either because he might do something weird. He seems like a nice guy though soooo I might want to be his friend. Maybe not.

  4. I think it would be harder to be friends with Lenny. His mother was mean and didn't want Lenny o have friends. He was poor at communicating. Also, he almost never came to school

  5. No, because in the book he doesn't sound very nice. he made funny noises out of the side of his mouth and it sounded like he was complaining.

  6. I think it would be hard to become friends with Lenny but I would try to be nice to him.

  7. I'm pretty sure it would be very hard to become his friend. The main reason probably is the influence you get from your friends. I would feel bad for him and be nice to him whenever it was possible.
