Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lenny's Red Letter Day: Second Reading

During your second reading, you were asked to note places where Prakash is showing concern for others, and places where he is concerned for himself.

Considering these notes, Why does Prakash try to be friends with Lenny?  What does this tell you about his character?


  1. Because his birthday went badly. Prakash is sympathetic.

  2. I think Prakash wants to be friends with Lenny because no one was nice to him. Also Prakash is nice and wants tobe a friendly person. Like when Prakash went to Lenny's house he was smart not to call the police. So Lenny wouldn't get in trouble if he didn't take the letter.

  3. My thoughts are that Parkash wants to be friends with Lenny b/c Prakash wants to make Lenny feel unlonely. I also think, like Darya said, that Lenny's b-day party went badly as a result Prakash felt sympathetic.

    -Gingerbread Warrior

  4. I think Prakash thinks Lenny feels very lonley. He says that he feels bad for him. It tells me that Prakash is a very nice person.

  5. Prakash is a very nice person he is also very friendly to lenny but like nevin said he was sypathethetic for lennys b-day.

  6. I think Prakash cares for Lenny and is a very nice person! Like Prakash tried to do the bump with Lenny and that was very nice of Prakash to do that! Prakash tries to be friends with Lenny because he is lonely and she feels bad for him!!!

  7. Prakash tried to be friends with Lenny because he felt bad for him because his mother wasn't very caring and kids at their school made fun of him. He did this because he is caring and kind. But in the book Prakash said that he wished he hadn't invited Lenny over.

  8. I think Prakash is nice to Lenny, although he was a little quick to judge Lenny. When they where walking home Prakash wished he had not invited him over. When the money was gone he first thought was Lenny. He probably should have thought it out for a while. Although he takes the chance to invite him over.

  9. I think you did a great job thinking about this answer. Don't we all judge eachother for random reasons sometimes?! It hurts.

  10. That was me, by the way.

  11. Prakash was concerned for Lenny on his birthday and when his mom was beating him. He was concerned for himself when the Monopoly game was going on and he didn't want anyone to see Lenny for his own sake.

  12. Interesting thoughts. Wouldn't it have been better for Lenny if Prakash embraced him......
    Why do you think he was embarrassed.

  13. Have you ever covered up something because you were embarrassed?!

  14. I think Prakash can sometimes feel very guilty. Like when he gave Lenny the Postal Order. Or when he invited Lenny to his house. Whan he feels guilty, he can only think about the bad side of his situation. He should look at the good side of the situation.

    1. He didn't give lenny the postal order……………he never did lenny took it himself from the television

  15. Answer: Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (plus more s's. Or is it s'? Or s-s? Ss? Who knows?)
    I have covered up this one thing in-

    It's too embarassing!

  16. I think Lonewolf is right.

  17. I think Prakash is trying to be friends with lenny because none of the kids at school want to play with him and his clothes/house. Also because on his birthday they were going to play bumps....nobody would take his feet. This tells me that Lenny is kind to others but still doesn't want to get in trouble and be accused.
    This reminds me of somebody I know.....

    -Alexandra Deweese

  18. who does it remind you of

  19. i think prakash was bring nice to lenny because he felt bad for lenny on his birthday noone gave him bumps or take his feet

    -zain majeed-

  20. Lenny was nice not to steal the money.Because he was better than that.Though prakash got him knocked out he was still cool with hom.Whoever is cool like tha twould be a freind of mine too.

  21. No person should be mean to someone they dont know. Because very well one day that same person coul be your boss writing your paycheck, and then they could be mean to you and get their share of pain and hurt. But hopefully that wont happen to anyone.So whatever you do dont be mean to anybody. Because th earth is round whatever you do it comes back to you. Just like a yo-yo ball. And P.S.
    Be nice to everyone and you will have some freinds.

  22. that was me a kid from nc my name is tk hi

  23. does anyone kno prakash's dads name ?????
