Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Spit Nolan

Answer the following question.  Remember to provide reasons and text evidence to support your response.  The more detail you share, the better your answer will be.

The heroic quality I admire most in Spit is____________________________________________?
He displays this quality when he______________________________________________________.
I admire this quality the most because___________________________________________________>


  1. The heroic quality I admire most in Spit is he is confident. He displays this quality when he accepts the challenge from a champion. I admire this fraction the most because it helps to be confident wether your doing a test or playing sports.
    Page 23 Paragraph 1

  2. The herroic quality i like about Spit is when he is confident and wont step down from a fight wether he knows he probily won't win. He displays it when he races he's trolley. You can't win if you dont try. I foun this on page 25.

    Benjamin Knapp

  3. The heroic quality i admire most in Spit is... he is brave, He displays this quality when he races the British Queen in a trolly race. I admire this quality most because when he was racing the British Queen he wasn't afraid to go as fast as he could to win the race. He also had a disease that made him only have one lung. He didn't let one disease stop him from what he does best! I found this on pages 20, 21, 26.

    Mia Hardesty

  4. The heroic quality that I admire most about Spit is that he does not only care about himself but about others. In paragraph 1, on page 20, he says he was not sorry for himself in any way, even though he had only one lung.

  5. The herioc quality I admire most about Spit is his need to succeed. On pg 20, paragraph 1, it said he only had one lung. Yet, he was still the best trolley rider.

  6. The heroic quality I admire in Spit is kindness. He wouldn't back down from a race if someone asked him. He was nice but I couldn't figure out very many other qualities he had.

    Micah Scott

  7. The heroic quality I admire most in Spit is his honesty. He displays this quality on page 24-25, when he looks at Leslie's trolley. Spit was jealous, but he still said it was a great vehicle. I admire this quality the most because you can't admire someone that isn't honest. More importantly, you can't trust someone who is not honest.

  8. The heroic quality I admire most about spit is that he is persistant. He was determined to win and keep going. Spit was persistant to keep going on with the race, it seems he thought he was not going to win. I admire this most because I think it is an important trait for a hero. If I was a hero I would lack in that trait.

    Alexandra Deweese

  9. a heroic quality is that he is very brave. because on page 20 it said that everyone knew he had only one lung but he act like he was perfectly fine and normal. i like this trait because i think it is a good trait for a hero or any one to have.

  10. I agree with J.J... Spit was very confident when he accepted the challange. I admire this quality the most because it's good to believe in yourself or you'll never accomplish what you want to.-courteney

  11. The quality I admire most in Spit is COURAGE when he chooses to face Leslie. He is very courageous because I wuldn't like to challenge someone who has the top-of-the-line Trolley. And, I ahve only 1 lung

    On page: XXV (25)

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