Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spit Nolan

Why does the author have the better driver lose to the better machine?


  1. I think the author made Spit lose to Leslie to make the story more interesting. Also because Spit was the better rider so it had a interesting feeling for the readers.

    Micah Scott

  2. Because spit was the better driver and he was being greedy and trying to take advantage of the better machine.

  3. I think the author made Spit lose because he was so sure of himself. But the author shouldn't have made Spit die. I think the lesson here is to not cheat since Lesie hit Spit. I found this on page 29

    Benjamin Knapp

  4. Do you think this story has a good moral? Do you believe machines are better than people?

  5. Interesting point. Why did the author write such a sad outcome? Could the same message have been delivered with out Spit having to die?

  6. i think the author made the better driver louse to the better machine because the reader will think that spit will win but he does not

  7. The author has the better driver lose to the better machine because like Micah said it made the book more interesting to read. Spit was also very confident in winning and so was Leslie.

    Mia Hardesty

  8. I see that a lot of you say that it was because he was too confident. Though it is great to be confident. That is what is what I admire most in Spit. They probably had the machine win because we all thought Spit would win. Its just a way for the author to have more turn of events. I would much rather have Spit win.

  9. I think the lesson here is that leslie hit spit which was cheating which caused spit to die

  10. The author has the better driver lose to the better machine because like Mia and Micah said, it made the book more interesting. Spit and Leslie were confident in winning.-Courteney

  11. The author made the machine win to the experience to show that sometimes, manmade, fast machines are better than experience with slow machines. Thats why we had that conversation on Monday.
    On page 29 when he did lose, Spit practically admitted that the better machine beat him.

  12. i agree with Mia because i wanted to see who would win and it was very interesting who won


  13. It is unusual for the author to have the main character have an unfortunate outcome, I agree. How did this unexpected ending change your opinion of the story?

    When things end in ways that I don't expect, they make me feel uncomfortable. The dissonance is what makes the story interesting.

  14. I don't think this has a good moral because people are better then machines.

    Benjamin Knapp

  15. i agree with everyone all you said was very true

  16. I think it is because he believes machinery is better than skill and experience and such

  17. I do not agree with micah when he said it made the story more interesting. I also think it teaches the readers a bad lesson, that explains it is better to be more caring about objects and appearance instead of smart and steady. I do not know why the author made it this way, I guess he just was not thinking.

    Alexandra Deweese

  18. I think it is a sad ending and I don't like it, it doesn't have a good moral, either.

  19. I agree with Benjamin that it was a story that included the phrase man v.s machine. It was Leslie as the machine and Spit as the man.

    Micah Scott

  20. but then why did you, on monday, go on the machines side?

  21. The main character having something unfortunatute change my opinion if the end of the story because I didnt expect it.I thought the end was going to be something like the following.

    Spit had won the race. I personally wasn't surprised. As Spit and I were walking away, Spit stopped and said to a frowning Leslie, "Good race. But remember, it is not always the best trolley that will win".

    I was so suprised when Spit died.RIP Spit.

  22. I think it was a fair race. Except for the end when the back wheel of the british queen hit the font wheel of egdam.

  23. I agree Brook thats what i expected too.

  24. the author could have made a better out come but the fact that it was sad and that the deth was so quik it made it more interesting to read fore me i like sad books

  25. I don't really think the story has a good moral because Spit died at the end... I felt really bad for him! I do think machines are better than people because some people could brake down and get tired and machines have lots of power.

    Mia Hardesty
