Monday, February 8, 2010

Responses to Classmates Journals: Week of February 8th


  1. Pleasing the ghost... What it is about, Anonymous?? (whoever you are.)

  2. wow link that sounds like an awesome book but i think you should have given more connections and how you felt about the book but it sounds cool

  3. I agree with Emma. Both Nevin and Anonymous had no text to text, text to world, or text to self connections. Just remember next time not to summarize your reading. A trick that helps me not do that is only state the title of your book and then do your connections. Other than that, they both sound like great books and I'm looking forward to reading them if I get the chance.

  4. Who ever wrote about the pleasing ghost, it sounds good but you should say more connections and you should tell a little more about the story. Other than that it sounds really good! - Mia Hardesty

  5. J.J keep reading you will find out the mystery! i like chinese food too. nice text to.... you keep bringing up the siries of unforchtunet events in your entries you must of really liked it. for heads up on your next entry tell us more about the book you are reading instead of the text to.... other than that i have enjoed reading them.


  6. I agree with Emma. You had an overall excellent report, but you should of made a predicion of what wil happen later in the story. But it sounds like a great book. I think I might read it next.

  7. Aiden those Percy Jacksons seem really good. I think I am going to start reading that series in a little bit. Do you know that the Lightning Thief is being made into a movie.
    Benjamin Knapp

  8. What is the book Pleasing the Ghost about? It would be great if you gave more detail.

  9. sorry, I gave up pleasing the ghost. Basicly, the kid helps his dead uncle make his aunt happy.


  10. Aidan, who is kron? other than me having no idea who kron is, it sounds like a really good book. also, im seeing the lightnig theif Feb.22.

  11. Nevin, I like how you added a page number for text evidence. Next time, try to make a connection.

  12. Vanessa is the book three cups of tea good? It sounds good are you far into it? Why was greg building a school for that other guy? Three cups of tea sounds like a good book and very interesting. -Mia Hardesty

  13. Are the books really called, Twelve and Eleven? My friends
    were talking about it one day and I got confused in their chit-chat.They told me what it is about and I would like to read it.Did it happen to be at the book fair?-Alex D.

  14. I think percy jackson is a really good movie has anyone seen it yet? My brother read the second book and when he was reading it I decided I wanted to read it a little bit. Now I am reading it and I love it! -Mia Hardesty

  15. Is anyone reading a series of unfrotonate events because you should it is descriptave and really interesting so interesting that you will never want to put the book down! I would read it if I were you. -Mia Hardesty
