Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Homework for the night of March 24, 2010

What is the most unusual thing that has happened in your book so far?


  1. the most unusual thing that happened in my book so far is when alice watched a gryphon and Mock turtle do the lobster-quadrille. it is a dance were you dance with a lobster & then throw it in the sea. Another thing is when the duchess ( she loves morals) said "be what you would seem to be or if you would like to put it more simple, never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you hade been would have appeared to them to be otherwise. when alice said that mustard was a vegetable


  2. the most unusual thing that has happend in my book so far is defanetly Edward. but it is realy hard to say becuase i have seen the movie. but i dont under stand something in the movie Alice and Jasper were not twins and in the book they are. one thing that is weird about Edward is he is tring to get away from Bella as much as possible. i never understood that.

  3. So far, the most unusal thing in my book, Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters, is when these people who run a car have 1 eye between the 3 of them. they almost crash because percy wouldn't give them the eye unless they tell Percy what they were talking about. Thankfuly, they made it out alive.

  4. So far in my book the most unusual part in my book is when Josh and Sophie get awakened by Hekate. The book said that they looked like monsters from the underworld or like the devil. They were a dark red and their eyes had a dark light shining out of them.

  5. I think the most unusual part in my story is when Josh and Sophie got awakened by Hekate. The book said that they looked like the devil because of the color they turned. A dark light shone out of their eyes.

  6. The most unusual thing that happpened in my book so far is that there was the introduction of a new character, THE MELLINIUM EARL has appeared! He always has this creepy smile, and I'm not too sure of his role yet. But I think he's a villian.

  7. Darya

    Kendra and Seth, the main characters, drank some milk after seeing the words "Drink the milk" in a locked journal (which only had those words in it) and were able to see that all the butterflys, hummingbirds, bees, and dragonflys were actually fairies.

  8. The most unusual thing that happened in my book so far is... well first of all I am reading the bad beggining and the weirdest think that happened is that Count Olaf wants the Buldelaire children's fortune. The way that Count Olaf plans to get the fortune is to have a play and Violet will be the bride and Olaf will be the groom. Olaf says the play isn't real but it actually is and is his way to get the money. Because if you marry someone with the fortune he will be a part of the family and be able to use the money! - Mia Hardesty

  9. Also Nevin, That is a creepy sounding character.

  10. The most unusual thing that happened so far in Alice in Wonderland is the croquet game. Soldiers stand in arcs as wire wickets. Flamingos are used as mallets and live hedgehogs curled up in a ball are the balls. The flamingos won't reach out their necks so it's very hard to force them down. The hedgehogs run away a lot. It's not really a formal game because instead of waiting turns everyone plays at once. A few times each minute the Queen of Hearts yells out "Off with his/her head!!!!!" and one of the soldiers has to come out and take the prisoner until they're beheaded. At the end of the game their were no more wickets left and only the King and Queen of Hearts and Alice were left.

  11. The most unusuall that has happened is a hobo keeps following Grubbs and he thinks the guy is keeping an eye on him. Also right when Grubb's friend dies his cycolitrist goes from school and his old friend is the replacement I think the old friend killed Grubb's friend.
    Benjamin Knapp

  12. The most unusual thing that has happened in my book so far is that Percy has discovered this this sweet, little (well, actually about 500 lb.)cow-serpent creature. The catch is that this creature is actually the weapon that could destroy all the gods and Mount Olympus if it is put in a sacraficial fire. Weird, right? I thought "Bessie" had no particular role in the beginning of the story when Percy rescued it from being crushed by a sunken ship. Did I mention that the cow-serpent lives underwater? A sea creature? I thought that was very unusual.


    P.S. I am reading "Percy Jackson and the Olmpians: The Titan's Curse"

  13. I think I know why the old friend would kill the new friend, Benjamin... JEALOUSY!!

  14. I think the most unusual thing that has happened in my book so far is when Percy,his homeless friend and Annabeth
    get to camp half blood in a gray taxi with three ladies driving. They all had to share the same eye and tooth! I think this taxi ride is going to be a night to remember!

    Alexandra D.

  15. In Peter Pan, the most unusual thing that happened was that Peter, Wendy, Micheal and Jhon flew to Netherland. Flyng is impossible. They used fairy dust to be able to fly, but faries aren't real. That is the most unusual part of the story right now.

  16. Nothing unusual has happened in Eragon. It's starting off slow, but I heard it gets great. I'm going to try to finish it still.
