Monday, March 8, 2010

At the end of chapter 7, Billy tells of his heart to heart talks with his dogs and their ability to understand him.  Do you think it is possible for people to communicate with animals?  How?  Do you have a pet that you like to talk to?


  1. I think t actually is possible to communicate with animals. I think we can talk to them with motions like if you want them to sit down, you sit down. I have two dogs that I talk to when I'm alone.
    Micah Scott

  2. I think it's possible to communicate with animals. One reason is we are able to train them and they get their commands through words. Another way it might look like you're talking to pets is they stay still and listen. Sometimes when I'm upset it feels better to talk to my dog and cat. Another way it might seem like they're talking is if your pet has a personality and make noises when touched. Page 66

  3. yes, i do think it is possible for people to comunicate with pets they just cant talk to you back. The pet can listen and maby understand but you cant really understand. When i had a dog i told him almost everything and he would look at me and lift his ears like he was listening.
    vanessa caviness

  4. Yes I think it is possible to communicate with animals because when you say come here boy or sit down or do a trick they listen to you. I used to have some pets but they either died, or we had to give them away. -Mia Hardesty

  5. I think it is possible to communicate with animals not like having a conservation but they can understand if your hurt or sad. I do have a pet like that and his name is Banshee. When I am sad he always comes to me and licks my face.
    Benjamin Knapp

  6. Yes, I think it is possible to communicate with animals because even though they don't speak English, they can tell by someone's actions if they are sad or happy. If I'm sad, he swims over to a side of the glass and rests on the bottom of the tank, listening. Or at least I think he's listening.

  7. I think it is possible to communicate with pets through emotions and motions. Such as if your happy, your dog will probably be happy. And if you start to run, your dog would start to run. I do not have a pet I like to talk to.

  8. Yes, even if animals speak... um, animalese, I believe its possible to communicate, because although they dont understand eachother they can still "talk".
    I had a pet named Chestnut who was very sweet. One day when I came home from school I had an awful day but he could tell I was sad and he was sad too. I told him about it and he went over to the family room, got his favorite toy, and dropped it at my feet.

  9. yes if you know an animal well enough you can. i can do that with my like when i asked my dog a question once and he looked at my answer ( i couldnt find my shoes if you were wondering).

  10. Yes, I believe that animals do understand you if you talk to them. How would they know to come when you call their name? They don't come when you call to your mom so they know what and whom your talking to. I talk to my dogs and I really think they understand.

  11. Lone Wolf (Parker)March 10, 2010 at 7:45 AM

    Yes. I think that animals have a very understanding relationship with all people who bond with them. My cat Libby understands me without doubt.
