Thursday, September 17, 2009

Because of Winn Dixie: CHAPTERS 11-15

Do you agree with Gloria Dump when she says," But in the meantime, you got to remember, you cant always judge people by the things they done.  You got to judge them by what they are doing now?"  Give examples to support your thinking!


  1. I think that Gloria is correct in her thinking, because one time I had a person who BUGGED me a lot in kidergarten and he kept on pestering me and when I decided to play with him he was actually fun. I was reluctant to play with him though becayuse I thought he would cheat all the waythrough, but he was really a very nice kid.

    Go Winn Dixie =)

  2. P.S. I used the pronoun "he" a lot because otherwise I would be giving you his name and you could say nasty comments about him.

  3. Cool same with me when i was in the 4 class (preschool) a girl would always steal my lunch spoons! once she ran me over with a tricycle!!! Over a few years she became a lot nicer she even became my best friend!

  4. 1) Who is Gymnastics Nerd?
    2) What the- She ran you over witha tricycle? LOL LOL LOL
    3) HOW did she become your friend?

  5. I agree with Gloria because you can't juge a book by the cover. Like maybe the two brothers are really nice. Also Opal thinks Otis is a nice person and she doesn't care he is a crimanal.

  6. Nevin I'm going to the other question.

  7. I agree with Gloria Dump. If you thought someone was nice, and that person suddenly punched someone, you should judge them by that.

  8. Crasybgoog, I agree with you. Those two boys were nice. Opal judged them too quickly.

  9. I think that dunlap was nice and stevie was a jerk

  10. Yeah, thats practically what I thought.

  11. Stevie the jerk
    Dunlap the helper
    Gloria the wise
    Dad the preacher
    Otis the lonely
    Sweetie-Pie the innocent
    Opal the normal
    Amanda the snot
    Winn-Dixie the optimist

  12. Nevin......that is so creative and poetic. We need to do something with this!!!!!! Are YOU judging books by their cover? Support your opinions!

  13. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but based on the character's described appearances and the way teh flow with the story you can see their true selves, or, if you use a cliche, its "reading between the lines"

  14. Not sarcastic at all - never!!!!! :) I really wanted you to explore.

  15. *looks through magnifying glass at book*
    The book has meanings...

  16. I do not agree with Gloria Dump because usually people don't change. Or something stick with them. An example of that would be when Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift. That's either going to stick with him for a long time or forever. I would say he is mean. Also if someone went to jail like Bernie Madoff who did such bad things I would judge them as a bad person who I should stay away from. The ony times I would agree with Gloria Dump is if what the person did was minor and they weren't mean constantly.

  17. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear enough. Comment back and I will explain.

  18. Nevin, how you described the characters was great. If I hadn't read the book before I would know all about the characters!

  19. crazybgoog (your Emma, right?), I agree a lot with your answer. I wish we could find out how Otis got into jail!!!!

  20. I think Gloria Dump is completely right. You should NEVER (and I mean never) judge people from how they used to be. I just think you should never not go and try to ineract with another person after a while (once they've changed). Oh, and I like your poem, Nevin.

  21. Peace out. See ya!

  22. J.J.
    I think you have a point. What was the crime? Minor or major? A personal fault or a damage to society? We don't know. Your reference to West and Madolf were real and timely and very interesting coming from a 5th grader. I respect your knowledge of the current state of our country. Should we give someone like Madolf a second chance? But....what about people who failed and turned their lives around........hard!!!!!!!

  23. Brook -
    What if that person changed and realized their mistakes........ you have a wonderful point!!!!!!! What was yesterday could have been a bad day, time, season........
    BUT what J.J. said was also important.
    How does this impact the Big Picture?!!? If you cause great damage, should you not be held accountable?!?! Hard..........

  24. are making me very proud - and I'm sure, your parents! These are big topics and you are holding tight!!!!! Out of the box!!!!!!!

  25. J.J.
    You are very encouraging to other bloggers and I want to recognize you for your gestures and kindness. :)

  26. took us to a new level!!!!!! Amazing! :)

  27. Ms. Adams, thanks a lot for your comments. I guess someone could turn their life around. If they do we should greatly respect the. It takes a lot to change yourself.

  28. Yes....J.J.
    You are so quiet in class, but so wise. Thank you for your contributions to the do do many.
    You all make me smile when I put my head on my pillow.

    This was not even homework!!!!!!!
    I love that you check, are intersted and care.
    Over the top!!!!!!!!

  29. I agree with Gloria Dump when she says in the meantime you can't judge people right away. This kid last year kept bothering all day long. I finally got him to stop by telling the teacher.

  30. Benjiman, I agree with you also.

    Everybody have a good day!


  31. Good Morning! I finished the book last night and cried in chapter 4.

  32. Oops! I ment chapter 24.

  33. Yes, I do agree with Gloria Dump because if you like someone now, you should hold onto that and not worry about what will happen later. Sometimes when people are mean to me and then nice, I worry that I will start to like them, so I will be more hurt when they do something mean.

  34. I agree with Gloria Dump because, say I did something bad like killed somebody when I was seven (NOT SAYING I DID) and now I have never done anything wrong yet..... I wouldn't judge myself if I went to rehab or something but I would be aware of the things that could happen. So I sort of agree and I sort of disagree.

  35. Scene: GLORIA and OPAL are sitting in GLORIA's BACKYARD.

    OPAL: Why are these people posting things about us?

    GLORIA: I don't know, darling. But what I do know is that they find something in us like you do to others.

    OPAL: Yeah, but Ms.Dump? Why are they quoting you?

    (GLORIA spits out her tea)

    GLORIA: (exasperated) Wowie! They are talking about me?

    (GLORIA does the Happy Dance)

    OPAL: What the fluff?
