Friday, September 18, 2009

Because of Winn Dixie: CHAPTERS 16-20

The author compares Opal's mother with "the whole in your mouth after you've lost a tooth."  What do you think is meant by this phrase?  Have you ever experienced this emotion?


  1. I think it would mean that it just feels emptey where something used to be. When my dog died I felt the same way Opal felt. It is a crestfallen emotion. He he he vocab word =).

  2. I think it means where something is meant to be, like a tooth, just goes MISSING and it feels-and IS- empty. No, I have not felt this emotion.

  3. Did Ms. Adams post the question we never found the answer for yet in class today? I can't find it.

  4. I know the awnser (I think)! It was at the olypics after party and they were mad because they didn't win anything!

  5. That awnser was hard. It took me 2 hours to figure out.

  6. How did you finally figure it out, Brooke?! :)

  7. I think it means you don't relize something is special untill you lose it. A sad thing that happened to me is my dog died and I didn't relize how special she was. I feel bad for every one who lost someone in their family.

  8. what crazyb9009 (emma, right) said reminds me of the song "Big Yellow Taxi". I did it in music class for specials. One of the lines in the song is "dont it always seem to go, that you dont know what til' its gone".

  9. What a great connection!!!!!

  10. The author describes OPal's mother as " the whole in your mouth" because Opal misses her mother. Opal knows her mother should be at her side. When my friends moved away, I experienced this emotion. It feels like a gastly melody.

  11. Brook, it is like that lin from "Big Yellow Taxi." You not going to miss something until it's gone.

  12. It took me a while to figure it out. I thought well, if they were the only ones not happy after the after party, I figured they must have been the only ones not to win something. And if they were really sad, it must have been really big so I thought "the olypics!"

  13. I think this means that you used to have something but now it feels empty because it is gone.

  14. Ha ha! After like 2 hours I finally got my picture!!!!!!!

  15. I think that the phrase is explaining how Opal has a tooth and one day it fell out and now there is a lonely gap inside her mouth. Just like if you lost your mother you feel less arrogant. I experianced this emotion when my grandmother died.

  16. I think he means that because after you lose a tooth there is a weird empty space. Opal's mom must feel like a big gap missing inside of you. It must be hard for them to have such an empty feeling.

  17. Dear Class and Ms. Adams

    I am reading the book A wrinkle in time so far in the story I have learnt that the main character Meg is always getting teased and in fights. I can make a text-to-self connection of when I get teased by my brother and sister. For example, when I do bad on a video game that I have played one-thousand times. Or when I occasionaly trip in new heels I have to get used to.

  18. Nice picture, Courteney! Look ay mine! Its a horsey!

  19. Well "the hole in your mouth" means the empty spot in your heart when you loose someone. When my horse died, I was crestfallen. I still cry about him now. For me, that was "the hole in my mouth".

  20. I think a whole in your mouth means when you loose something you really loved. I had a hole in my mouth when my dog died.

  21. There is something that you had before and now is gone and it doesn't feel the same. I had that feeling about my dog, Cass, when we had to give him away.

  22. Dear Mrs.Adams,
    I could connect of the feeling of eating a Littimus Lozenge because I have had a sad memory. It was when I lost my dog ran away. It was late at night and we couldn’t see anything but we found him after a while sitting next to a tree. I am pretty sur that is what Amanda Wilkinson felt when she ate her.
    Alex Victory

  23. I have felt this emotion when I left my friends and everything I love. :( tear drop. In (gulp) Connecticut.

  24. I know what you fell brook my cat died last month & it is a sad time.

  25. Tear drop (gulp), me too - in Connecticut!

  26. Wow I did not just type that I ment I am Lone Wolf


  28. I think it means someone is alone are their is a spot in you empty. Yes I might have felt this feeling before!
    Mia Hardesty
