Thursday, September 17, 2009

Journal Entries for the Week of 9/21/09

Post your journal entries in the comment section here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Ms.Adams & class,
    This week I'm reading "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", by J.K. Rowling. I can make a text to world connection with Harry Potter's mean aunt, uncle, and cousin. A family called The Dursleys, who mistreat Harry a lot. Many people and kids are mistreated in the real world also. I felt that was an important connection.

    Brook Yearin

  3. Why do you feel it was an important connection. Did it happen to you.

  4. Brook,
    Unfortunately there are many people who are mistreated by both friends and family. I have even known some of these people myself. Have you ever known someone who did not get along with a family member? I think the sad thing here is the REASON the Dursley's do not like has more to do with his talents than anything else.

  5. That is true, Brook. Many children are abused nowadays. With the economy so bad, some parents are making their children do their bidding.

  6. dear brook
    I love that book and think that is a great conection. The world is really just likem it

  7. I agree.That connection is a very good one. I have read that book and I think it is amazing how cruel the Durslys can be.

  8. Brook:
    Nice text-to-world connection there. A lot of mothers in third world countries and even here neglect or donate their kids. I have read that book and I feel teh same way.

  9. In my book Fablehaven when a day called midsummer eve comes the grandfather explains that on the night of the summer solstice all the mystical creatures go wild and the treaty that protects them from them doing harm is temporarily broken. I can make a text to text connection because in many fiction books the relative or mentor (etc.) would eventually reveal to them something very important.

    I am writing more than 1 journal enrty because I need them for the other weeks I didn't do.

  11. Good for you Darya!!!!!!! I am looking forward to hearing more about your experience as a reader. The book you are reading now has a very curious title since Fables are stories that involve animals as main characters. I predict that your story will end with an important moral!

  12. When I was reading my book Fablehaven Seth was tricked into opening the window giving entry to many monsters right about now I remembered the grandpa put what he called special salt around the beds as a extra safety precaution, I predicted they would run into the circle of salt around thier beds.Kendra was frozen with fear but Seth closed the window grabbed Kendra and ran into the salt shield.My prediction was right!

  13. Dear Everyone Who Is Nosy Enough To Read This Entry (DEWIETRTE):
    My book was The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan (I know I'm supposed to underline it but I don't know how). In the beginning of the book it introduces you to a character named Percy Jackson who is very clumsy. A bit later on he is surprised to learn that his teacher is a centuar and he is a half-god. (Epic, I know.)
    In the climax of the book, Percy, Annabeth (another demigod) and Grover (a goat/human) are trying to recover Zues' ligtning bolt that has been stolen by another god.
    I can make a text to text connection because in HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE Harry, Ron and Heromine must recover a sacred ruby that has been stolen by the wizard Voldemort.
    This book was action-packed and I always wanted to know what was on the next page.

  14. Actually my book is about a sanctuary for fairy tale creatures like faries, satyrs, Goblins, etc.

  15. Like Shrek has a sanctuary for Ogres!

  16. Nevin,
    Do you know what makes an epic an epic? Can you identify the hero in your novel and the call to action that brings them through the story? What supernatural interference is taking place? Can you predict the ending based on what you know!

  17. I say that in my reading book Percy is the true hero as he in the book gets a pen named Akumoros (nicknamed Riptide) which he uses to slay a load of mythical beasts such as tritons (or at least small ones)
    This really is epic as you NEVER know what is going to happen in these kinds of books. Congratulations Rick Riordan

  18. In my book after midsummer eve they hear a giant groan come from the barn and investigate. My prediction was that they would find some giant monstrous creature that produced the milk that allowed mortals to see through the mystical creatures diguises. They opened it and found a GIANT COW! Well, I guess I was partially right.

  19. I made a text to text and world connection to the end of my book. I made this decision because when Kendra and Seth sadly left Fablehaven I thought of other books and movies I have seen and read which is why I made it a text to text and world.

  20. Yes Ms.Adams, It is sad the Durleys hate because of his talents.

  21. No "lone wolf". I was not mistreated. But many kids in this world are.

  22. Reach higher!!!!! I love the conversation about the "epic" and what makes it happen. You are taking the whole class to a higher level. Identify these will find them in most of what you read and see in the movies.

  23. JEFFREY THE REINDERSMASeptember 17, 2009 at 7:53 PM

    Dear class,
    Today I read HOLES (I know its supposed to be underlined). I could visualize Stanley thirsty for days he must have forgotten everything because he's been worried because of his tiredness and dizzieness. I still think about how hard it was to climb in such intense heat. I'm pretty sure he's gonna go back but get stuck in a gang of yellow spotted lizards. I can connect to this because I once went camping but we only had a few waters and I got really dizzy, it was BAD. But I still wonder why Stanley left if he knew he would get thirsty?

  24. Jeffery,
    This is your best!!!!!! I love it!!!! Couldn't you just feel Stanley's pain connecting with your own experience?!?!?! I surely could! What did you do? I hope that you had a BIG drink of water!!!!!!

    BTW.....come in during lunch to complete that task that awaits. I waited for you.......

  25. Dear class,
    When I was reading BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE I just thouht of a really strong feeling of how Winn-Dixie felt when the thunder pounded his ears,in his shoes. It was really easy to visualize what it looked like to see a fluffy blur running around the house! However I just happened to remember a certain time when I was in my house during a thunder storm, my dad and grampa were outside, my brother, mom and me were inside hudeled up in a corner; suddenly a thunder strike attacked our house and shook it like the "hokey pokie". Next we thought they were dead, but they eventully told us all about how awesome it was! Anyways, I think next, Winn-Dixie and Opal are going to go after the Dewberys. I am just wondering why she doesn't go after the Dewberys when they're so mean.

  26. I'm really sorry that I forgot to come in, but we were thinking I could do it after school.

    For the student you could use numbers like 7x8=56 and tell him problems, but i'm still thinking about the graphing.

  28. make me smile every single day!!!!!!
    When would you like to come in....i will be there.

  29. Ms. Adams-
    Will you post a new question on the Math thread?
    P.S. I have a MindTrap question for you- but I can't share it since only you can say the questions. Could I send the question to you?

  30. Send it to my email!

  31. Dear class,
    I'm reading "Magyk." When the wizards are in the marshes, why do they go out on a canoe while they know how dangerous the marrsh is? The bounty hunter could be lurking somewhere. The creatures called "brownies" may attack them. they didn't need to look for Silas the whole day. It would be a tad pointless. They knew Silas could take care of himself. There was no need to worry themselves even moreso. I made a text-to-self connection. I have often worried myself too much. It sometimes seems odd that a mere soul can worry so much!

  32. Aidan,

    I love your text to self connection of how you think the characters are crazy by walking right into danger! I am wondering if the wizards got hurt or were ok beacause if one of them got hurt than that would lead to a very interesting story.

  33. Dear class,
    Today I read Winn-Dixie. I read chapters 15-20,the part where Otis got aressted was intense! I could visualize how Otis was acting now and then. Yet, though Otis was angry he was also lonely. The feeling on that was hard to take. It reminded me of a time that I once had gotten very angry that I pushed and shoved my brother.

    Last time my prediction was wrong, but I have faith in this new one. Here it goes, I think Opal's party is going to be a blast! I wonder why the Dewberrys said yes to come to the witch's party if their scared of it.

  34. Dear Ms. Adams & Class,
    In Winn-Dixie, the auther says that Opal's mother is like "the hole in yor mouth after you loose a tooth". It feels like somethings missing. I can make a text to world connection with the song "Big Yellow Taxi". One of the lines is "don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you got til' its gone".

    Brook Yearin

  35. Aiden,
    I completely understand. They KNOW the marsh is dangerous. They KNOW they could get hurt. So why does the auther do that? I'm asuming to hook the reader. Brook Yearin

  36. Dear class,
    This week I am reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. I couldn't stop reading today! I think it was because I am getting to the main part of the book which is similar to the Hunger Games (which I loved!). The author used vivid words so I could paint a picture in my head.

  37. Nevin,
    I know exactly what you mean. My book keeps me wondering what will happen on the next page so I want to skip to the end, but then I'll probably put the book down.

  38. Brooke,

    I totally am with you on your Harry Potter book lots of kids are mistreated these days! I really liked your journal entry this week!

    Mia Hradesty

  39. Dear class and Ms.Adams,

    Today I have read my next 30 minutes of my new book called A Wrinkle in Time by: Madeleine L'engle so far I can make a text-to-0self connection that the main character is always getting herself into trouble and it is reminding me of my brother always pushing me around but then he gets in trouble because he is not aloud.

  40. Dear Miss Adams and class,

    I am reading Ella Enchanted and I can make a text to world connection. Ella has to go to a new school because she hasn't been going to school and a lot of people in the world have their ups and downs like the first day of school for them could be a down. When it is like their 11 week of school they could be happy and have their excited or happy moment in life. One time I had to move from Atlanta, Georgia to Arizona! Finally it was my first day of school and I was very scared! Ella is very scared and she is thinking what if people boss me around and she would have to do it because she has the spell of obediance. I can totally feel her pain!
    Mia Hardesty #5

  41. Alex,

    Great connection in the book! I have a brother and a sister and they push me and hurt me too!!!!! What is your book that you are reading about?
    Mia Hardesty #5

  42. Mia, I think I can feel her pain also. I mean, imagine someone saying "do my homework" and actually having to do their homework.

  43. Alex D.,
    I can make a text-to-text connection with Harry Potter. Just by what you said, it seems both your main character and Harry Potter are always getting in trouble.
    Brook Yearin

  44. Dear Ms. Adams,
    I love the book Because of Winn-Dixie. I think it is really good so I read a chapter ahead. One thing I want to try is a Lettmus Lozenges. I feel so bad for Lettmus since his family died. I think either Gloria or Ms. Franny are Opals mom.

    I can connect to Opal when she couldn't find Winn-Dixie because I was sad when my dog died. I felt weird when everyone said they liked Because of Winn-Dixie becaues first I didn't like it. I think this book became a movie so I hope I see the movie. I hope the book answers my question, that if Opal's mom comes back. I can't stop reading this book!

  45. Dear Ms. Adams,
    I just read a book called "Treasure Fever, it was really funny. I think it is funny because the substitute teacher did weird things he even fell out a window. Another thing the substitute did was teach how to eat a banana. I could picture the events happening since the author made you belive the story was real. One quetion I had was why a teacher was so mean, but it turns out she didn't want people to find buried treasure.

    I felt bad for a kid named Newton because he got scared easily. He gets scared when people talk abot fighting, he blows a whistle as if he is saying danger, danger. I also felt bad for a boy named henry since he was beat up a lot. This story reminds me of Diary of a Wimpy Kid because both books have weird characters. I am so excited to start the sequal of this book, Pencil of Doom.

  46. Ms. Adams I forgot to underline the titles but I don't know how to underline.

  47. Dear Ms. Adams,
    I have just finished the 3rd Cirque Du Freak book, Tunnels of Blood. It reminded me of Because of Winn-Dixie when both Darren, the main character of Tunnels of Blood, and India Opal in that they both wanted to have friends to come with them. Darren wanted his friends to come with him to a city and Opal wanted to have her friends come to the party. Also Darren changed the way he thought about another character named Mr. Crepsly the same way Opal did with Amanda.

  48. Dear Brook,
    It's so sad that kids are mistreated in this world! Luckily the police and other public forces are hot on new children abuse cases.

  49. Mrs. Adams,
    My snail just died and we were going to replace him. We were wondering if my mom and I could get another one and donate it to the class. It would help a lot to have a snail cleaning up after the frogs.
    -J.J. Lipsman
    P.S. I'm sorry about your snail. :(

  50. Dear everyone,
    I read a really good book this week called Operation Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. It is a really good book. It is a text to world connection because it is about someone in the M16 which is real. If I could rate it, I would give it 4 stars. I hope one of you guys has time to read it.

  51. Mia, I know how you feel. My parents use me like a servent to do their every need.

  52. Dear Ms.Adams & Class,
    I finished the book "Because of Winn-Dixie" by Kate DiCamillo. I cam make a text-to-world connection with Opal. Many kids have trouble making new friends when they move schools and what not. In fact, one of my BFFs is moving to a new school. I feel so bad.

    Brook Yearin

  53. J.J., awesome connection! Honestly, I never thought a book like the ones in that series could relate to Because of Winn-Dixie.

  54. Dear Miss Adams,

    This week I reading Artimis Fowl. In the firs chapter Artimis is trying to sell new gadgets from about twenty years from now. The deal goes bad and the person he was trying to sell it to almost shot and killed him. The thing is now alot of scammers are out in the real world scamming ten people daily. They might do it for the money or they might work for someone, but it's the wrong thing to do.

    Your Student
    Parker Smith

  55. Wow. I can feel your pain Brook that happened to me alot.

  56. Micah your parents are using you as servents well me too!

    Mia hardesty

  57. Brooke, HAHAHAHAHAHAH yeah I don't like doing my homework!

    Mia hardesty

  58. Dear class,
    Today I read HOLES. I read chapters 42-45. I could visualize stanley digging in the middle of pitch black. I can connect to this because I walk to get stuff in the dark, without digging. I predict next stanley will get bit by the yellow spotted lizard clan. I wonder why he didn't like the other kids such as Zigzag.

  59. Dear class,
    Today I read HOLES. I read chapters 46-48. I could visualize Stanley as he struggled to get out of that yellow spotted lizard pit. I can connect to this because I once fell in the pool and struggled to get out. I think Stanley will get to the treasure without getting hurt by the yellow spotted lizards or Mr. Sir and the warden. I wonder why Stanley hadn't yet gotten bit by the yellow spotted lizards.

  60. Dear class,
    Today I read CLUE OF THE SCREECHING OWL. I read chapter one. I could visualize the stout boy scream that the puma jumped. I once was scared at a haunted house walk through and something scary popped out of no where! Next, I predict that they are going to get freaked out by something else. I wonder why they went to the circus to watch the pumas.
