Friday, September 18, 2009

What do you think a sweet/sorrowful lozenge would taste like?


  1. To me it would taste of tears after a string of long confusing and depressing events.
    With lemons.
    And mints.

  2. I think it would tastes very delicous and make me think about sad times. One sad time is World War 2. It also makes me think of Carson in the book.

  3. Im know waht it might taste like because it said in the book. But you never know until you actually taste one. I would do anything to have one right now.

  4. I think a lozenge would taste like s rainy day. the taste would be dreary. It wuold remind you of the sadness in your lives.

  5. That is true, Brook. It describees the taste in the book, but you could never be sure unless you try one. Crazyb, World War 2 was one of our darkest hours in history. Nevin, it could be possible that it tastes like mints.

  6. I think it would taste a lot like be more specific I think it would taste like how I felt when I heard that my Grandma passed away.

  7. I think it would also remind me of the twin towers crashing to the ground.

  8. I think it might taste like every single wonderful flavor in the world! The reason I think that is because thats what reminds me of being sorrowful, being super nice!

  9. I think it would taste like mint and chocolate! It would make me fell sorrowful because I lost a dog a few months ago.

  10. I think the lozenges would first taste sweet and bursting out with different flavors, and then you get to the black licorice flavor because I think black licorice is depressing and disgusting.

  11. It would taste like the snow falling around me as somewhere off in the distance the crisp fall leaves fell on the babbiling brook fell like graceful birds gliding through the chilly winter winds. The windmill turning as my old friend and I rode our bike through the abandoned paths of winding trails. The last sight of the place is always the best one that will never leave your heart no matter where you go. The memory will never leave you just like the stars will never fade on you. You feel happy when you think about it. The bitter taste of sorrow will never leave me. I have truly tasted sorrow my friends and it is a taste that will never leave you. :(

  12. Sorry about the crestfallen paragraph. :( :( :( :( :(

  13. It would probably taste kind of bad at first but when you suck on it, it might taste better!

    Mia Hardesty #5

  14. Ms. Adams did you feel the same way.

  15. when i read about the lozenge i felt a connection of all the sad times in my life and in the book


  16. I'm sure nobody is on but about the long paragraph it was about when I left Connecticut. All that I knew and loved was there and that what made it so special. Think back to a time in your life when you had to leave something or someone behind and you will feel what I feel right now. It is tough to ignore the feeling of the spot where the tooth is missing or the empty feeling you get when you lose something. I lost something bigger than toys or baseballs or footballs. I lost my home.

  17. Anyone out there. THe lone wolf does not want to be lonely anymore!

  18. I think it would be a reminder of all the bad things in your life.
